If we can encourage others, we should encourage them.
~Romans 12:8

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Pending Blessings

 If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God:
Deuteronomy 28:1-2 NIV

Anointed Messages come in different forms: emails, blogs, devotionals, videos, text messages, etc. Some messages require recipients to opt-in, and there are invariably people who sign up but don't follow all the steps necessary to receive the messages.

I sincerely want the people who ask for messages to receive them, but the opt-in is at times required as part of the delivery method. Third party services need to verify that the recipient requested the services, and really want to receive them. It's for the protection of the recipient. It prevents others from signing them up without their permission, and it makes sure the email or other information is correct. The opt-in is usually something very simple such as replying to an email or text; and/or clicking on a confirmation link - yet many people don't follow all the steps. They want the messages, but sadly wait in vain for something that will not come until they take the next step.

It made me think about how often many of us have blessings that are "pending"; waiting on us to follow through with some step. God also has some established rules, such as forgive if you want to be forgiven; honor your parents if you want things to work out for you; and accept Jesus as Savior to enjoy eternal life, a glorious inheritance, and an intimate relationship with God the Father.

Sometimes I wonder why people don't inquire about why they haven't received the messages they signed up for. Why not ask "Hey where's what I was promised?" Likewise many of us have promises from God that have not yet manifested and we do nothing about it. Sure, some things take time; but there are times when action is required.

Just as subscribers need to ask "Why aren't I receiving the daily texts I asked for?", we need to ask God "Why am I not experiencing all the blessings I was promised? Why haven't my prayers been answered?" Perhaps God will respond YOU NEED TO REPENT AND RECEIVE FORGIVENESS, or FORGIVE SO YOU CAN BE FORGIVEN, or OFFER THE SACRIFICE OF PRAISE. Maybe we're waiting on God but the reality is God is waiting on us. Like my subscribers, we may have missed the confirmation the first time it came. Rest assured God is happy to send it again.

God's Beloved let us pray that we will not miss out on anything God has for us.

Heavenly Father
You are a good and loving God who wants to bless me. Help me do my part to receive all You have planned for me. Show me if there's anyone I need to forgive, or anything I need to do to be in Your perfect will. Give me grace, wisdom, and strength to follow through with every instruction You give me. Forgive me for any delays I caused, and please make up the lost time as only You can.

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