If we can encourage others, we should encourage them.
~Romans 12:8

Friday, June 6, 2014



Anointed Messenger Journal Excerpt Mon 9/29/08

Last night I spoke with [my friend] and she sounded sad. I thought the [Chicago Bears football team] must be losing [a common cause of sadness amongst Chicagoans], but she said they were ahead. So why was she so sad? She said it was only the 3rd quarter. At first that seemed puzzling but I recalled that last Sunday everybody was excited about the Bears game. They were shouting and excited and cheering. It was a pretty intense game and went into overtime. The Bears had the lead in that game too but in the end they lost.

Suddenly I totally understood [my friend]'s pain. This is what God has been dealing with me about - being afraid to get your hopes up. It actually hurts much worse when you get your hopes up high only to have them disappointed. Last week my friend had a lot of faith in the Bears but now that faith was shaken.

I said let's pray. I was praying for the Bears to win but for me it was really about trusting God. Are our hopes safe with You Lord? Will You please show us that we can put our hope in You and not be disappointed? I said I know the other teams' fans want them to win too but Chicago sports fans tend to be extremely loyal and crazy, just like Christians. Well sure enough the Bears won! And I hear they were playing one of the best teams there is. I took that as a message that God is saying You can put your faith in me; it's safe to get your hopes up. It's not always going to be disappointments.


A football game may not seem very serious, but the principle still stands. When we've faced disappointment, we may be afraid to get our hopes up. The Chicago Cubs haven't won a world series since 1908, yet their loyal fans keep turning out every year, full of hope and excitement, saying "This could be our year." Surely we can have more faith in the God who made the whole universe.

Dear Lord
I know that in the world I will have trouble, and that includes being disappointed at times. Help me put my trust in You, and not in circumstances or people. Father I don't want to lose my passion for life. Help me face every situation with hope and zeal, knowing You are with me, and nothing can separate me from Your love. Give me the kind of hope and faith that moves mountains.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
Proverbs 13:12 NIV
I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out - plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
Jeremiah 29:11 The Message Bible 
I can guarantee this truth: This is what will be done for someone who doesn’t doubt but believes what he says will happen: He can say to this mountain, ‘Be uprooted and thrown into the sea,’ and it will be done for him. That’s why I tell you to have faith that you have already received whatever you pray for, and it will be yours. 
 Mark 11:23-24 

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