A Message from Anointed Messenger
A few years ago I had a rather nasty fall on my bicycle in a public park. I picked up too much speed coming down a hill and came around a narrow curve and hit the ground with enough force to cause burns and visible injuries. After I managed to get up a lady tentatively approached me and asked if I were OK. She confessed that she heard me hit the ground but had purposely kept her distance. What?! Why didn’t she come running; I thought I’d knocked out my teeth and I could’ve used help getting up.
Thank God the lady did help me get to the water fountain to clean my wounds a little before going on her way. I was too weak and sore to ride my bike so I had to walk it the few miles back home. Pushing my bike through the busy park I encountered several people. It was obvious that I was injured and my wounds were fresh, yet no one offered to help. Their expressions acknowledged awareness of my pain but they all remained silent; afraid to get involved.
I shouldn’t have been surprised. When I studied Social Psychology in college I learned most people are afraid to get involved when others need help. People have even been raped and attacked in public places but no one came to their aid. Everyone thought someone else would do something but no one did anything.
As I walked through the park that day I thought about how often we are aware of others’ hurt but do nothing. They may not have visible scars but we may see the pain in their eyes, or the need in their lives – yet we pass on by.
When we pass by those in need, whether the reasons are selfishness or fear – we are not walking in love. Love is not selfish, and perfect love drives out fear. Perfect love says “I’m willing to risk getting involved in your life because you are my brother/sister.”

As Christians we may even use prayer as a cop out. I believe in prayer and I know prayer makes a difference; but I also know that sometimes we say we will pray for people who need more from us. Sometimes we are the answer to their prayers. A little kindness, a friendly smile, some pleasant company can go a long way. The enemy wants us to believe what we can do won’t make a difference but he is a liar. He wants to isolate us from God and God’s people. Sometimes we “pray from a distance” and don’t even let people know that we are praying for them; consequently they feel alone in their struggles. Let us remember to treat people the way we want to be treated. We are God's hands and feet; and God never forsakes anyone.
Father forgive me for those times when I did not step up to the plate to be a blessing to those in need. Give me the kind of perfect love that drives out fear; so I won’t be afraid to get involved. Give me wisdom to know how to help others and be a blessing. Lord when I need help give me courage and discernment to let the right people know so I can have my needs met also. Bless me so I can be a greater blessing.
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