Join together in following my example, brothers and sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do.
~ The Apostle Paul, Philippians 3:17 NIV
A Message from Anointed Messenger
Something I've encountered is God bringing people across my path to show me who I can be. Sometimes I

come across the profile of a blogger whose profile describes exactly what I'd like to be/do. That is encouragement that it is possible. At times I meet people who are doing things that I'd like to do. It might be some aspect of their ministry, or career, or family life, or personality, etc. Whatever it is I know God is showing me possibilities and giving me hope. He is exposing me to things I wouldn't consider otherwise.
Other times I've met people that are "negative examples". I remember a time when I was starting to give in to self-pity, and I met a woman who was extremely bitter and entrenched in self-pity. The woman was so miserable that it snapped me out of taking that route. I knew that was God's warning of what happened to those who chose self-pity. I believe even the negative examples are godly examples, because they still show us whom we can be based on the choices we make.
I think about people I've met who wanted to do what I do. Some ask for advice and learn from my successes and failures; but not everyone. I remember one person whom God had given me a desire to help, but the person chose jealousy, and to resent me rather than receive from me.
God's Beloved, as we go through life there will be people that we will look up to, and people that will look up to us. Let us remember that with God all things are possible. God has given us free will. Who we are and what we become will depend upon the choices we make. God opens up doors, and brings people across our path to encourage and to warn us; but ultimately it's up to us to make the right choices.
I am grateful that You are invested in my future. I know that You are for me, and want me to prosper in all things. I thank You for the godly examples You bring across my path to help me reach the right destination. Help me take advantage of every good opportunity; and heed every warning. Please remove pride, fear, and anything that stands in the way of me becoming all I can be in Christ.
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