If we can encourage others, we should encourage them.
~Romans 12:8

Monday, April 28, 2014


A Message from Anointed Messenger


n  , pl -saries
1. a. an agent or messenger sent on a mission, esp one who represents a government or head of state

Even if you're not a Star Trek/sci-fi fan I think you'll appreciate this revelation. In Emissary, the pilot episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine, the protagonist is a powerful, yet troubled single father who travels through a wormhole and encounters advanced, mysterious aliens. [Watch the whole 90 minute episode here if you've got the time and interest.]  The aliens exist beyond time and space as we know it, and our protagonist tries to explain linear time to them. "We have a past, present, and future," he explains. "We experience life one moment at a time."

As the aliens try to understand the man he is transported through various points in his life. The man is horrified when they keep returning to the worst moment of his life - when his beloved wife died in a violent battle. "Why do you keep bringing me here?", the man cried, "I don't want to be here." The puzzled aliens explain that it is he who keeps returning to that fatal moment. "Why do you exist here?" the aliens wanted to know.   

The aliens helped the man realize that he was choosing to live in that horrible moment. He dwelled there in his thoughts, and had been unable to move forward. His life was not as linear as he thought. He was still living in the past.

Like the man, too often we may find ourselves stuck in time. Sometimes it's a painful moment that we can't seem to "get over." Other times we try to relive happier times. We can get stuck in the "glory days", when the present doesn't seem to compare to the good times we once experienced. We can even get stuck in the future; always dreaming about a life we wish for, while neglecting the present. 

Like the wormhole aliens, God exists beyond linear time. God looks at our lives and sees our past, present and future. He has a good plan for each of us, and doesn't want us to get stuck at any point. The man in the episode was an emissary, on a very important mission representing his people. Christians are also emissaries, on assignment for God. We are God's witnesses, representing Him on the earth. We cannot represent God as intended when we are carrying around baggage from the past.

But how do we let go of the past? How do we release the pain/issue?
  • We give it to God. We keep coming to God saying "Lord I give You [this issue]. I trust You to set me free from it."
  • We renew our minds. We replace those thoughts that are causing us to get stuck with the life-giving Word of God.
  • We come into agreement with God. We let God define who we are - rather than the circumstances that tempt us to get stuck.
  • We focus on what is good, lovely, true, and worthy of praise.

Heavenly Father

You have given me free will and I choose to let go of the past, and press on to answer the high calling You have given me. In every area of my life where I am stuck, I give the issue to You, and ask You to take it from me. I AM Your emissary. Set me free from the past so I can represent You well.

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