If we can encourage others, we should encourage them.
~Romans 12:8

Monday, August 23, 2010

Joyce Meyer - WHAT DO YOU WANT OUT OF LIFE? (Conference 11/2009)

I consider Joyce Meyer to be one of the greatest preachers/teachers and my personal mentor. Here are the notes from her conference at Lakewood Church in Houston Texas 11/5/09 through 11/7/09. I pray you are blessed as I was blessed.

Thursday 11/5/09
 1 John 3:9 amplified is about being born again
 No one born (begotten) of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, for God's nature abides in him [His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently within him]; and he cannot practice sinning because he is born (begotten) of God.
 No one born of God knowingly sins
 Jesus didn’t die for us to have religion; but a deep intimate personal relationship with God
 A close conversational relationship
 John 10 says My sheep know my voice
 Joyce made a great religious person; she was just as judgmental and boring as could be
 What does it mean to be born again?
 Joyce started beginning her conferences with an altar call
 It’s awful when people are leaving during the altar call
 Someone’s soul may be at stake and people are trying to get to their car!
 When you’re born again, you surrender and receive Christ as your Lord & Savior
 When you give Him your all God comes to live in your spirit
 From there He begins to teach you how to live the way that God wants you to live
 It’s about living the life that Jesus died for you to have
 Joyce was asking God what He wanted of her and He said I want you to enjoy your life
 The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy but He came that we might have life in abundance [The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). John 10:10]
 He wants us to have a quality life while we’re here
 A great opportunity comes to us with that new birth
 When anyone is begotten of God the divine sperm remains permanently in him
 Jesus is the sperm of almighty God
 When a man’s seed is implanted in a woman she becomes pregnant
 When we receive Christ we become pregnant with all that God is
 The potential and possibilities God puts in us
 Joyce lived as such a pathetic religious person for so long that she doesn’t want others bound
 She feels sorry for people trapped in that cycle of trying to please God
 You don’t have to compare and compete we’re equal in God
 Joyce’s call is not only to see God save people but to teach them how to live
 Understand God wants to be involved in every thing in your life
 When Joyce was in a bowling league God said to Joyce why don’t you ask me to help you bowl
 She didn’t realize she could ask God to help her with something like that
 But God cares about every single aspect of our lives
 You have a constant companion that gives you His Spirit
 He doesn’t just throw you the football from heaven and expect you to make the touchdown on your own
 Being born again is becoming a new creature altogether
[Joyce gave altar call]
You cannot sneak into the Kingdom.
[Conference news video]
[Love offering for television ministry]
[Testimony of mother and daughter plagued by fear. The daughter watched Joyce in the morning before school and was delivered from fear]
 And what does it take to get it?
 Do you have a dream for your life?
 Do you have hope?
 Do you have something that you’re looking forward to in life?
 We need to be reaching all the time
 God didn’t create us to be passive or static
 Part of us always needs to go somewhere
 If you’ve got your life in park you need to get it in drive
 And get rid of reverse
 Proverbs 29:18 without vision the people perish [Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish; but he who keeps the law [of God, which includes that of man]--blessed (happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he.]
 If you don’t have anything you’re looking forward to you become hopeless
 And hope deferred makes the heart sick
 You don’t need wishbone you need backbone
 Get a dream; get a vision
 The Bible tells us to fight the good fight of faith
 You have to be determined to get that life Jesus died to give you
 So many people wade around passively; waiting to see what will happen
 In Phil 4:11-13 Paul learned how to be content
 Where’s the balance between contentment and reaching
 He was satisfied to the point where he wasn’t disturbed
 He wasn’t upset about where he was but he was still looking forward
 Joyce had a big dream but didn’t understand the contentment part
 Don’t despise the day of small beginnings
 Don’t get caught up in what you don’t have
 Listen to those who have successfully made the journey
 Joyce has lots of experience
 She knows you can do great things and be happy at each step of the journey
 We need to do at least one outrageous thing a week
 Joyce was at a really nice restaurant and asking the waiter many questions and he said why don’t you let me surprise you
 Her companions were shocked when she agreed because that’s not like her
 We’re not created for boring sameness
 When you do have a vision/dream you have to keep it in front of you
 It’s easy to lose your vision/dreams and hopes
 Habakkuk 2:1-3 write the vision and make it plain…
 Habakkuk was complaining and getting tired and the Lord told him to write the vision and make it plain,
 It could even be a simple vision (lose weight, etc)
 God wants you to dream and plan and He doesn’t want life to steal your dreams nor fear
 Fear is the master demon spirit
 Joyce believes fear is even at the root of pride
 When we’re being attacked [by a spirit of fear] we must rise up against it
 It’s so important that you open up your mouth and speak the word and say it a loud
 And there’s power in writing the vision
 Joyce has kept journals for 32 years
 It’s amazing when she looks back at what she’s been through and how God brought her through them all
 It’s wonderful to have a record of what God has brought you through
 Joyce found some old entries and she was believing God just to have people in the room
 God is so faithful
 Write down your victories
 Keep a book of remembrance
 It’s good to remember the things God has done for you
 We need to remember the devil is alive but we have authority over him
 We must resist these spirits trying to discourage and disappoint us and telling us we’re never going to see anything good in our lives
 Timothy struggled with fear
 Paul lovingly chastised him: your mother had faith and your grandmother had faith and you better stir up yours
 Shake off that weariness that has gotten hold of you
 Come full circle and say I will see my dreams come to pass
 God is my vindicator
 Don’t let weariness and/or age steal your joy
 Age is only a number but youth is an attitude
 1 Samuel 3:1-2 the lights were still on and there was still stuff to do but Eli was already lying down
 He was weary
 Joyce came here tonight to stir us up
 To remind you of things you already know
 You are so full of opportunity
 He whom the son has set free is free indeed
 1 Sam 3:10-13 Eli wasn’t even taking care of business. His sons were sleeping with prostitutes and he didn’t do anything about it
 Joyce gets tired of dealing with difficult people but she refuses to stop trusting people or lose her joy
 She wishes we had a Good News channel
 Fight that attitude “can’t trust anyone”
 You’re the one who will get hurt the worst
 Joyce is sorry God has to put up with us
 He’s been so good to us and there are such unbelievable possibilities
 Samuel was being called by God to replace Eli
 God needed a man with fresh faith
 As people age they pass on the torch but Joyce isn’t passing her torch until there’s no flicker left in her
 You have to fight that thing [that wants to quit]
 When you’re older you have to really fight that thinking
 Joyce will be 70 in 3 years
 Eli got old and tired and worn out
 If David had been out in battle then he wouldn’t have messed up with Bathsheba
 Don’t think you’re doing God a favor by reading the Bible; He already knows it – reading is to help you
 Somebody has to decide tonight if you’re going to finish your race
 Get your faith back
 Be God minded
 Make a decision that the devil will be sorry every day when you get out of bed
 We must take time to think and dream on purpose
 Do you only see what’s in front of you?
 Can you get with God and shut your eyes and say I see a promotion coming for me…
 Jacob & Esau were twins and even though Esau came out first Jacob was holding on to his heel
 Jacob was always conniving to get what he wanted; he didn’t know how to wait on God for it
 Jacob reaped what he sowed. He tricked everybody and Laban tricked him.
 Laban hid all the spotted sheep and made it impossible for the sheep to reproduce
 Genesis 30:37 even though it was impossible because He kept the vision in front of those sheep they produced spotted sheep
 When you keep the vision in front of you the impossible can occur
 God is saying I don’t care what you are now this is what you’re going to be
 Keep a dream in front of you
 The vision was there repeatedly
 All they saw were spots and speckles
 And when it came time to give birth - spots and speckles
 There’s a realm we’re not used to but it’s real
 We need to learn how to live more in the spirit
 What do you see for your life?
 You need to see something
 See something better than what you’ve been used to
 Even if your parents had a bad life you’re not your parents
 Genesis 13:2 Abraham was extremely rich…there was strife between the employees of Lot and Abraham
 Avoid strife at all costs
 There are too many mad Christians
 Angry bitter resentful Christians
 Abram was aggressive about keeping the peace
 He went to Lot and said let there be no strife between us
 Abram said you pick what you want and I’ll take what’s left
 You’d think Lot would say you didn’t even have to bring me you take the best, but Lot went right for the best
 Genesis 13:14 after Lot left God said look up and I’ll give you all the land you see
 Don’t just see only for yourself
 Joyce sees herself feeding 1 million hungry children every day
 When she does the math it’s impossible but she keeps pressing towards it
 God said I will bless you and make you a blessing
 If you just collect the blessings it stops there
 Let it flow through you
 You can have all you can see
 Genesis 15 Abram’s in his tent with Sarah when God says I’m going to give you a child with Sarah
 I’m sick and tired of this tent and I’m sick and tired of waiting
 Fear not (isn’t that what God always says to us first)
 Lord what can you do for me? I’m practically dead and have no children
 And God brought him outside his tent and told him to look at the stars
 Sometimes you have to get outside your tent
 You can’t stay in your tent dealing with the same old same old
 Get outside your tent!
 Sometimes we’re so in the mess we just can’t get it
 You need to get outside your tent and start saying things on purpose
 I will do everything God says I will do
 I can have everything God says I can have
 With God ALL things are possible
 You’re either going to get this or spend the rest of your life feeling sorry for yourself going to pity party after pity party
 Or you can come outside your tent and look up and see the vision
 I don’t care how long it takes I’m not giving up
 Recently Joyce had a mini meltdown
 She’d crammed too much into too little time
 She loves to rescue people. She was rescuing everybody.
 She got so wired that she wasn’t sleeping
 She was in the tent saying God what’s wrong with me, I’m just trying to do your will
 You can’t get a breakthrough in your tent
 Psalm 23 He makes me lie down in green pastures
 She just needed restoration for her soul
 If you want to be healthy and feel good then you can’t be involved in everything
 Any time you say no somebody isn’t going to like it
 So Joyce went away for a week
 One day she sat in a chair all day and looked out the window
 She petted her dog
 She got a new perspective
 When she came back she had a new plan for her health and her life
 She came back excited
 She had been going too long without eating before her break
 She had cookies with cake icing on them
 Give yourself permission to lighten up
 Sometimes you just need perspective; to get somewhere and shake it off
 Talk to God like you’d talk to a friend
 Here I am again God
 What can you see?
 Hebrews 11:11 by faith Sarah conceived and delivered a child
 You can give birth to anything but not if you don’t first conceive it
 To form in your mind, to think or imagine
 Goals and dreams are seeds in the spirit world
 30 years ago it was ridiculous for Joyce to believe she could go all over the world
 But she saw it
 She had a vision
 She saw Dave and her walking in a dark forest surrounded by skinny trees. When she and Dave walked in the trees started growing and getting bigger. She knew those skinny trees represented weak Christians who didn’t have any victory in their lives.
 She brought light and knowledge to pitiful Christians
 You get weary and you get tired of the fight when you’re just trying to do what’s right
 The devil fights any kind of progress
 William Tyndale went through so much just to translate the Bible into English
 The church didn’t want the people to have the Bible in English; they didn’t trust them to understand it
 Narrow minded people are the most dangerous thing in the world
 When you’re going under for the 3rd time you get that will to fight and survive
Friday 11/6/09
 Jesus warned us we would have trials
 But cheer up, He overcame the world
 2 basic things we should do during the trial
 1. Believe God (trust in the Lord)
 2. Psalm 37 Do good
 Do something radical that would seem out of place for a hurting person to do
 You may want someone to minister to you but you go minister to another
 That is the highest form of spiritual warfare
 Romans 12:12 do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good
 Pray for your enemies
 Bless those who curse you
 It’s challenging to pray for someone who’s really persecuting you
 Cover them; don’t even tell others what a rotten scoundrel they are
 God tells us to do this because it’s good for us
 Do the opposite of what would be natural and reach back out in love
 Joyce has spent a lot of time preaching about the love walk
 The church has slipped in world missions but it’s coming back
 Matthew 28:19 - Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
 We “go” in different ways:
 Some actually go, some intercede, some finance it
 There are so many unhappy Christians; that shouldn’t be
 You cannot be selfish and happy
 Jesus said forget yourself, lose sight of your own interests, pick up your cross and follow Me
 Job 29:12-16 Job helped the poor
 JMM goes out and aggressively looks for people to help
 Prosperity needs to have a purpose
[Offering for missions/partnership]
 Joyce believes God created us to reach
 You can’t be static/passive and be satisfied
 Your future has no room for your past
 It’s very important that you hope, dream and have a vision
 If you don’t have a vision then get one
 Move in a direction and see what the Holy Spirit does
 You can’t drive a parked car
 It’s not the end of the world if you make a mistake
 We need to be pregnant in the Spirit with the dreams, visions and ideas God puts on the inside of us
 A woman must conceive before becoming pregnant
 Everybody is on a level playing ground
 Don’t discount yourself for any reason
 Regardless of your demographics and background God can impregnate you
 When Joyce was sexually abused she agreed with the devil’s lies that the best she could have was a 2nd rate life
 She couldn’t conceive of a great life
 Colossians 3:11 all distinctions vanish
 No matter what happened to you in your past the moment you receive God you’re on the same playing field
 The promises of God are for whosoever will
 You can’t do God’s part and He will not do your part
 You are partners with God
 There are principles we must learn
 Dreaming is good
 What if you have the dream and you’ve done all you could but nothing is changing?
 Just because you don’t see anything happening doesn’t mean nothing is happening
 There is a dormant season
 While a tree looks dead sap is gathering up on the inside getting it ready for spring growth
 You may look dead but it doesn’t mean God isn’t doing an awesome thing on the inside of you
 Maybe you’ve had a dream a long time and you’re tired
 First, does your dream/vision line up with God’s Word?
 God won’t help you do something which is out of His will
 It must agree with God’s word
 Jonah was told to go to Nineveh but he went in the opposite direction
 Sometimes we’re going in the opposite direction of where God wants us to go
 We’re trying to get God to go with us (instead of trying to go with God)
 Jonah 1:1-4
 If you are on the wrong ship you are going to have a rough ride
 You may have a God given goal but still have an impure motive
 Motives are so important
 God called Joyce 32 years ago
 He told her she’d have a world wide teaching ministry
 When it’s from God you won’t be able to get rid of it
 Things were slow, and there were many obstacles
 She didn’t know about not despising the day of small beginnings
 Joyce wants us to finish our race
 Even if your vision is to be peaceful - finish
 It doesn’t have to be a worldwide ministry
 Joyce had a God thing going on but very little growth
 Although she was on God’s ship she had a lot of impure motives
 When God first called her she didn’t have that deep desire to help people
 She wanted to be somebody
 She was very insecure and didn’t realize it
 She got her worth and value out of what she did
 Self-deception is the easiest thing to fall into and the hardest thing to face
 God can’t fulfill your goals and dreams unless you let Him do a purifying work in you
 Your flesh gets crushed in the process
 Joyce taught a home bible study for 5 years
 She worked in a church in St. Louis
 God told her it was time to leave and it took her a year to leave
 We all have hold of something right now but God is calling us to a new something
 But He always keeps it just a little far away and you can’t get to it unless you let go of what you’re holding onto
 We want to keep what we’re holding on to and get that new thing but we can’t do both
 Joyce kept getting prophecies
 God told her to go north, south, east and west
 When God’s done you may as well get done
 Some people are at jobs they hate just for the money
 Do what you know you were born to do; what you were created for and trust God
 Joyce liked that job, even though there was a spiritual part of her that wanted to go
 Joyce knew God had called her to a broader spectrum of teaching
 She was important and didn’t have to believe for her paycheck every week
 God finally kicked her out of the nest
 Eagles will pull all the padding out of the nest until there’s nothing but thorns left. If they still won’t go the mother eagle will put them out.
 God yelled at Joyce while she was sitting in church
 God wants us to use the skills that we have to help people
 Don’t minimize your calling
 Satan brings a spirit of diminishment and tries to make you feel small and worthless
 It’s just possible that your unhappiness is your own fault
 Joyce always thought it was someone else
 Joyce finally obeyed and went to North St. Louis, South St. Louis, East St. Louis and West St. Louis
 When Joyce went to church she felt insecure and out of place
 She no longer had a special seat or place reserved for her
 She had been getting her worth and value out of those things (status in the church)
 In the beginning days it was a God dream but she had problems in her soul that needed to be dealt with
 The whole reason why we have to be pregnant a long time is because there’s a whole lot of stuff inside of us that needs to be dealt with to get us ready for birth
 Most people never wait long enough to come to full term
 They either abort or try to induce it
 Joyce carried all her children past 9 months
 Joyce felt like she was never going to have those babies
 The last one was 5 ½ weeks overdue
 There’s a lot going on inside a pregnant woman
 If you act a bit weird with your dream tell people I’m pregnant
 Joyce was so miserable, feeling like she no longer had a place at church
 God said Joyce I am your place
 If you know you’re in God you can be comfortable anywhere
 You have to learn how to be your own person before God can use you effectively
 Don’t try to be someone else
 Don’t sell yourself short
 People can be an example but don’t make them your standard
 Learn how to be you
 Joyce is not a normal woman
 You can’t do what Joyce does and feel like everybody else
 She always felt a little lonely and set apart
 She had been set apart for a reason
 People didn’t always understand her
 Don not let people control or manipulate you
 You can’t buy friendship
 Preparation takes a long time
 God has got something ready for you
 Now He’s getting you ready for the thing
 When you’re ready the baby will come
 When they get ready to come the babies come
 It’s great to conceive and get pregnant but tomorrow we’ll talk about labor and delivery
 Your goal may be right but your timing may be way off
 Pregnancy is rather private
 That baby is inside your body
 God is doing things in you that are between just you and God
 When you’re first pregnant you don’t look pregnant
 When Joyce told people about her dream they told her no and all it did was discourage her
 Let God do it and show the world the evidence
 The silent years - the years between the goal/vision/hope and the delivery
 The woman feels a separation. Pregnant women want to be around other pregnant women
 God has to get you comfortable with not being involved in everything
 Luke 2:22 Jesus was 8 days old when he was dedicated to the Lord
 We don’t hear anything else about Jesus until He was 12 years old
 Luke 2:40 the child grew
 Jesus thought he must be about his father’s business but apparently not because they (parents) took him home
 We don’t hear anything else until he was 30
 For 18 years he grew
 Those can be some of the most painful words
 Growing up spiritually is not easy
 Die to self, learning obedience, letting go of your plan
 It was hard for Joyce to learn how to trust men
 And come under male authority
 God put her in situations and didn’t let her get out of them
 Luke 2:41-42, 52
 When Jesus came out of that growing season his 3 year ministry impacted the whole world
 Because He was ready
 Make sure you’re ready when you start
 You have to have the character to stay there
 You need more than charisma you need character
 Joyce likes talking to people that have made the journey
 You understand each other, like silent communication almost
 She and Darlene connect as women in ministry whom succeeded
 God may ask you to lay down your rod but if you do when you pick it back up it’ll be full of God
 So many people lose the race, they never finish because nobody ever tells them about the messy part
 Then you spend your whole life having one spiritual abortion after another
 Joyce used to be so miserable and now she’s so happy
 She still has rough days and she still gets tired, but it’s worth it to hear people say your ministry changed my life
 Whatever you do do it the best
 When Joyce went on TV someone asked where did you come from?
 She was somewhere, just nowhere one would want to be
 John the Baptist was born and given this great calling, but he went into the wilderness and stayed there until God told him to come out
 30 years he was in that wilderness
 We all want the mountaintop but nothing grows on mountaintops
 All you can see on the mountaintop is the next mountain
 We must be reaching and growing
 In order to get to that next mountain you must go back down into the valley
 God told her Joyce all your life as soon as you reach one goal there will be another one waiting
 It’s for our own good that we have something to reach for
 The bible is full of silent years
 Moses was hidden for 3 months and then he spent 40 years in the desert
 He had a call but nobody knew where he was but God
 Joseph spent 13 years in prison
 The devil is a dream thief
 And he’ll try to get you to birth them early
 David was anointed as king
 It’s disheartening when you have a dream and all you get from people is jealousy and resentment and criticism
 You won’t make it to the end if you never learn how to deal with it
 Saul kept trying to kill David
 David just wanted to play his music
 When when when
 When you give birth - suddenly
 Joyce thought she was going to be pregnant forever, 5 ½ weeks overdue then suddenly
 The disciples were committed to waiting on God
 Acts 1 and 2
 They waited and suddenly Pentecost
 Paul and Silas waited then suddenly at the midnight hour…
 You may have to wait a while before your suddenly comes
 Don’t just look at the breakthrough look at the go through
 There’s anointed go through
 Saul was ferociously killing Christians when suddenly God changed him
 Your rascal of a husband could be on the way to the bar to get drunk when suddenly…
 A woman was sick for 12 years with an issue of blood
 She pressed through the crowd and when she did suddenly
 The woman who was bent over for 18 years, couldn’t even look up
 Jesus loosed her suddenly
 There is a spirit of release in this place tonight
 If you get it in your spirit that you won’t give up then you will get it
 Joyce prayed that we would finish
 We will see the fulfillment of goals, dreams and visions
 We will not give up no matter how long it takes
 We will give birth
Sat 11/7/09
 If you stay on the attack you won’t be under attack
 You have a blood bought right to live a great life while you’re here on earth
 Resurrection power
 We need more power for our every day lives
 We all know there’s really only one truth
 Joyce doesn’t think any of us [denominations] are 100 percent right so we need to open minded
 Be careful not to worship your particular church doctrine
 The Bible is the only real doctrine
 The Bible was locked up for a long time, not available to the common man
 Now it’s available to us
 Back in 1976 Joyce was a very frustrated Christian
 Christians shouldn’t be frustrated all the time
 The world is a mean place
 We need people but they are hard to get along with
 You can’t wait for all your problems to go away because they never will
 There are times of rest between battles but on and off you will have trouble
 The righteous will be persecuted
 You’re blessed when you’re persecuted for righteousness sake
 The world isn’t real pleasant but God gives us power to live with joy
 Everyday we should enjoy our lives
 We must learn how to live in this messy planet and still have righteousness, peace and joy
 We need the Holy Spirit to do that
 The baptism of the Holy Spirit
 If you want to see a real move of God you should be willing to study and seek
 Jesus told the disciples to go and wait for power in the upper room
 Basically he told them don’t even try to go out and do things without Holy Ghost power
 If you’re born again you do have the Holy Spirit but does the Holy Spirit have you?
 Are you full to overflowing?
 Power for you and to splash on others around you
 As the disciples waited indefinitely for this power SUDDENLY it came and they were all filled
 The spirit isn’t the problem it’s our souls
 When my soul gets full of Jesus then the world will see it
 Too many have Jesus in their spirit but not their souls
 Even if you’re filled with the Holy Spirit ask God to fill you daily
 We really need discernment today
 There are so many phony people out there
 Paul said do not forbid anyone to speak in tongues
 When you’re speaking in tongues you’re speaking in a spiritual language
 You’re praying in a way that the devil can’t understand
 And you can’t understand it either unless God gives you interpretation
 That’s good because if you knew what you were praying it would blow your mind
 The Bible says seek and you will find
 Don’t have the attitude if God wants me to have it He’ll give it to me
 Study and seek it
 Behold I have given you power Luke 10:19
 Acts 1:8
 When you are something you don’t have to work at it
 It’s just what you are
[conference news video]
If you don’t have a dream you’re probably pretty bored because we were created to reach
We have to learn how to value the valleys in our lives
Even if 10 prophets prophesy a word to you it’s a possibility not a positivity because you have to do your part.
Once you conceive you have to make it through pregnancy
Once you get to full term you have to be ready for labor and delivery
 Ecclesiastes 5:3 For a dream comes with much business and painful effort; and a fool’s voice with many words
 It’s easy to say I have a dream and I’m going to do such and such
 But it will only come to pass with much business and painful effort
 Joyce can’t even scratch the surface today of what she went through in her 32 years of ministry
 Even if your home is a mess, don’t put stuff off
 If you know God is dealing with you about something address it
 Put it out while it’s still a little fire; don’t wait for it to become a blaze
 For a while people were having miracle debt cancellation services
 But if you got in debt due to stupidity it’ll just happen again
 Whatever God is dealing with you about - do it
 It doesn’t do any good to come to church and be super spiritual and go home and act like a fool
 It is not easy to change but it is worth it and it’s much easier than staying in bondage
 You can’t get a drive through break through
 But you can get an anointed go through
 When a woman is pregnant we say she’s expecting
 You must keep expecting
 It must be aggressive and we need to talk to God about it every day (morning preferably)
 Recognize the power of your words
 Get up in the morning and talk out loud
 I’m expecting favor
 I’m expecting good news
 I’m expecting to feel better today than I did yesterday
 I’m expecting this message to be the best one ever
 Are you an expector or a wait and see person?
 The more you say what God says the more likely you are to have it
 The more you say what the devil says…
 What would have become of me if I had not believed I’d see the goodness of God in the land of the living
 What is waiting on God?
 It’s not so passive, you’re active spiritually
 Usually we do the opposite, busy in the flesh and passive in the spiritual
 To wait means to expect
 We live too much in the natural and we let live …
 The kingdom of God has suffered violence but the violent take it by force
 If you start being aggressive in the spirit your flesh will catch up
 Esther 2:8 Esther was taken
 We may ask how did I get here
 Esther probably had dreams that certainly didn’t involve being in the king’s harem
 Esther had a good attitude because she pleased Hegai
 No one with a bad attitude pleases anybody
 Esther didn’t even know why she was there yet
 God strategically put Esther in that place for such a time as this
 No matter where you’re at right now, even if it wasn’t your plan and you don’t like it - get a good attitude
 People are tired of hearing you complain, God is tired of it
 We want people to feel sorry for us because our lives are not the way we want them to be
 Dave refused to feel sorry for Joyce
 It used to make her mad but pity would have only fed her problem
 We may want God to do what He’s doing in us a different way but we have to trust Him
 God puts people in our lives to crucify our flesh
 Joyce finally learned it wasn’t Dave’s responsibility to make her happy
 Stop giving somebody else the responsibility to make you happy
 That’s your responsibility
 God dealt with Joyce about being respectful to Dave
 It was hard because her life had been full of horrible men
 She was not pleasing God like Esther was pleasing Hegai
 Stop worrying about what others are doing or giving you and let God take care of you
 There are people in your life that are tools from God
 God put them there on purpose and even if you get rid of them you will find 2 more just like them
 Esther had a good attitude
 If you have a good attitude God will give you favor
 It’s so amazing to watch God pour out favor on you
 If I have a good attitude I will make it through the wilderness much faster
 If you want to go faster check your attitude
 Because Esther had a good attitude she was given the best apartment
 She was taken, life wasn’t going the way she thought it should go, but she had a good attitude and she received favor
 No matter what is going on in your life you can choose to have a good attitude
 12 months of beauty treatments
 You have to get beautiful before you go in before the king
 God told Joyce to be sweet
 She wasn’t naturally sweet
 It was a time of separation and preparation for Esther
 Often it’s too hard to tell the difference between a Christian and a nonbeliever
 We shouldn’t go by the bumper sticker
 You will know them by their fruit
 You may not be where you want to be yet but you’re practicing
 You need to get this experience
 Joyce doesn’t think a preacher is worth their salt if they’re just preaching out of a sermon book
 There’s something deeper that happens when you’ve been there
 God doesn’t give Joyce miraculous breakthroughs so she as a teacher can go through and teach others
 Don’t fret when others get quick miraculous breakthroughs
 2 Corinthians 6 come out from among them and be separate
 Don’t have a super religious wall but be able to be around them as an example without getting sucked in
 The world is desperate for heroes
 Someone who will actually walk the walk
 Part of us wants somebody to look up to
 Pregnancy is a time of change
 Once you’ve had a baby everything changes
 Your priorities have to change
 Once God gave her this ministry which is like a baby her plans had to change
 Your life is no longer your own to do with as you please
 Part of getting ready for the new thing is to let go of the old thing
 One thing I do is letting go of what lies behind, pressing forward…
 These are life principles
 You may be reaching for the new but refusing to let go of the old
 Let go and it gets a lot easier
 When God called Joyce to teach the Word she was just doing home bible studies
 She didn’t have any formal education in theology; it was the Holy Spirit or nothing
 Joyce had to quit her job and trust God in a way that was beyond her sphere
 God kept dealing with her until finally she quit her full time job and got a part time job
 We try to partially obey God
 So God got more aggressive and she got fired
 Disobedience can open up a door for the devil
 Like Jonah she was on the wrong ship and sinking fast
 She learned that the one who fired her was a practicing witch
 Believe that if you have a dream satan is chasing you around trying to swallow it up
 Many dreams are useless (Ecclesiastes 5:7)
 Some have a million ideas a year and never see any of them through
 Narrow it down
 When people realize this isn’t going to be as easy as I thought they abort
 It’s costly it’s uncomfortable so they quit
 If you do that you will never be satisfied
 Paul basically said if I don’t preach I die
 Joyce has considered retirement but she’d be miserable if she quit
 You are called to do something and you need to do it to be happy
 Matt 20:20 asking to sit on Jesus left and right
 It’s easy to ask for stuff but harder to drink from the cup
 When the 10 other disciples heard this they were indignant
 People won’t be happy about your dream
 They will be jealous
 The seed was sown and satan came immediately tried to steal it
 Even the seed we are receiving from Joyce the enemy will try to steal
 Joyce knows that if she’s going to preach something she’s going to get tested
 When she taught on the strategies of satan she encountered a lot of nonsense after that
 We’re learning something that can change our lives but Joyce can’t go home with us and make us apply it
 Mark 4 talks about the cares and anxieties of the world trying to steal our seed
 Every harvest begins with a seed
 Joyce showed a package of seeds
 It has a picture of what it can grow into
 God gives us a picture of what can happen
 First that seed must go into the dirt
 You don’t get a harvest without a little dirt
 Don’t teach people half the gospel
 Don’t tell them what they can get without telling them what it takes to get it
All that dirt and pressure on the seed breaks that seed open
 In every seed is the embryo of those flowers
 There is an embryo of God inside us
 A seed of all the fruit of the spirit
 Don’t expect to love the unlovely if you don’t run into some unlovely people
 Just get it over with
 Everything that you know is being ripped off of you
 Before anything surfaces on the top it has to develop roots underneath
 Anyone willing to die to what they were can be used mightily by God
 Ms. Dodie is the sweetest lady and Joyce likes being around people that walk the walk
 She’s like that because she’s gone through some difficult stuff and not jumped ship
 And now she’s consistently operating in the fruit of the spirit
 Treating everybody the same
 Loving everybody the same
 Giving respect to all people
 You have to let those seeds be planted and die
 Some are about to give birth
 The worse pain comes right before the birth
 Isaiah 53 Jesus had travail of soul but it brought him satisfaction
 Luke 22 Jesus was in the garden praying, his disciples sleeping, Father take this cup from me but not my will be done but Yours
 It became obvious that he had to drink from the cup so he prayed through it
 He came from glory to benefit us
 It’s challenging to get people to die to self when it’s only going to help someone else
 About 3 years ago Joyce was thinking these trips weren’t worth the wear and tear on her body
 The Holy Spirit said WILL YOU DO IT FOR ME?
 She’s here because she believes she’s helping us
 Are you willing to sacrifice for somebody else?
 Dave sacrificed because he knew God had put him with Joyce
 He prayed for a wife that needed help and he got his answer
 Don’t give up on the people in your life so quickly
 Maybe if you’ll stick with them…
 Unless a seed falls into the ground and dies it abides alone, but if it dies
 God is showing possibilities
 If it dies it will bear much fruit
 When the baby gets into the birth canal the body goes into transition
 It’s very painful
 And the doctors say don’t push
 That’s God saying let me handle it
 Don’t try to take matters into your own hands
 Wait in the natural and push in the spirit
 When you think you can’t stand one more minute “NOW!” the doctor says
 If you can bear down and not give up it won’t be long before the baby arrives
 A woman goes through all the travail of birth but when the baby comes she forgets the pain of birth [John 16:21]
 Joyce wants us to be one of the ones that makes it

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! This blog blessed me tremendously..


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