If we can encourage others, we should encourage them.
~Romans 12:8

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why Isn't My Ministry Being Blessed?

From the Journal of Anointed Messenger on Thur 5/29/08 4:39 pm

I started thinking about all the people who had people just come to them to provide what was needed so their ministries would flourish. [A man] volunteered to do [my friend’s] website. People just appearing and often donating their services to the ministry. I wondered why I don’t have that experience. I seek people out [and pay them] and it still doesn’t work. I pray for help to come and it doesn’t.

So in devotion I was asking God about it. I seriously needed to know. Where am I missing God? Perhaps what I thought were God ideas were my ideas. Maybe I’m not ‘good enough’ yet. What should I do? I was desperately seeking guidance so I pulled a message from the large bin of Anointed Messages that I started (and haven’t finished cutting). Three came out. The first said

Blessed are those who are not offended.
© 2007 Anointed Messages™

My first thought was so I’m not blessed because I’m offended? Who do I have ought against? I thought I let it all go. Then the Truth came to me; the same truth that inspired the message. That’s what Jesus said to John the Baptist when he was having similar questions. I thought about John the Baptist. He served God and his heart was right yet he was beheaded. Nobody showed up to release him from prison like in Peter’s case. Yet it wasn’t because he was bad; that was just God’s plan. I got so much peace after meditating on that. The other two messages were

Nobody understands you better than your Creator.
© 2007 Anointed Messages™

You are still here because God has a reason for you to still be here.© 2007 Anointed Messages™

All three of those messages blessed me. They did several things for me. They comforted me that the problem isn’t that I’m unworthy or out of God’s will. They encouraged me that God understands me and has me right where I need to be. And they motivated me. Because I was blessed by them I really want to get the messages out there so other people can be blessed. I want others to receive a word in due season just like I did.


NOTE: I designed my website myself and I'm very happy with it. God didn't send help in the form of others, He gave me ability and I wouldn't have realized it if I'd received help from others.

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