Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.
Colossians 3:23-24 NLT


I heard about a woman who went to law school just to learn how to study the Bible. She didn't know it at the time; she thought she was studying to become a lawyer. She went through all that training and education
and testing only to discover she hated being a lawyer. Yet later she realized that she could use those skills she acquired in law school to systematically study the Bible in an analytical way she never would have achieved without that training.

When she asked God about this He even confirmed that her purpose in going to law school was to learn the Bible. Most of us would think 'That's a whole lot of trouble to go through just to study the Bible,' but when you really think about it there's no higher calling. We should all be willing to do whatever it takes to get to know/serve God better; regardless of the cost. It's God that we work for and we should submit to whatever training He requires for whatever He has in store for us. The truth is like the 'lawyer' we may not even know what job we're in training for. God leads us one step at a time.

I think about my background as a counselor. I did get to practice for several years, and I enjoyed that service. I am not practicing now, but I do believe counseling made me a better minister. Counseling requires you to be selfless, to love the unlovable, to investigate and to ask questions rather than jumping to conclusions. With all due respect we ministers can be presumptuous, often confusing our opinions with a word of knowledge from God.

Anyway my point is we don't really know what God is doing with us unless He tells us. I was in training to become an Anointed Messenger when I couldn't even spell anointed (like many of you ☺). God takes us through experiences and tests that are specifically matched for the calling on our lives. We may think "Lord what was that for? That was a waste of time! This is a huge mistake." Well remember it's God that you work for. It's God that you were created for. He knows what you need in order to do what He's calling you to do. If He sends you to law school to become a Bible scholar that's His prerogative. If He says you need more years of training than you think remember He knows best. Your goal may be a "regular" job, but God is preparing you to appear before kings.

God's Beloved, don't get frustrated when you go through things that seem unnecessary in your eyes. Trust God knows what He's doing. Don't do things to please earthly employers but your divine Creator. He knows everything and doesn't waste anything. Someday you'll see that everything you've ever experienced was designed to work for your good.


You know what the plan is for my life. You know what I need to learn, where I need to go, what I need to do, and whom I need to connect with. Help me follow Your leading; even when it seems unnecessary or confusing to me. Help me trust that even those things that seem like they went nowhere, also worked for my good.

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