If we can encourage others, we should encourage them.
~Romans 12:8

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Kale Recession: From lack to overflow

A Message from Anointed Messenger

Recently all the kale I found in grocery stores was in a sad state. Instead of being full, leafy and green, it was wilted, yellow, brown, and shriveled.

Kale is lauded as the healthiest leafy green vegetable, and is one of my staple foods. I blend it in smoothies, I eat it in salads, I bake it, I even put it on pizza. Kale on pizza is delicious by the way; I'll share that recipe in another blog.

Loving kale as much as I do it was disheartening when I couldn't find good kale in any of the stores I visited. Even the stores where I'd had good luck in the past had mediocre kale at best.

Regardless I walked to the local store in search of fresh air, exercise, and kale. I'd prayed and I had hoped, yet the kale looked worse than ever. I was desperate, but the sparse, wilted leaves hardly seemed edible. Disappointed, I was prepared to do without, then I saw a healthy green kale leaf peaking from behind the wilted leaves. I dug it out and discovered a huge bunch of luscious green kale leaves. No way was this just one bunch of kale. It seemed like several stuck together but it was packaged as one bunch.

I quickly grabbed up the healthy bunch and marveled over the find. Another shopper even complimented my kale, and corroborated that kale had not been good lately. The kale was so huge and healthy looking that I almost felt like I was doing something wrong; as if I were getting away with something too good to be true. It was too big for the produce bag, and bigger than any bunch of kale that I've ever seen. Yet they rang it up as just one bunch - less than one dollar for my amazing find.

At home I observed that the kale was larger than my head (no exaggeration). I have large tubs that I use to clean and soak produce. It usually takes one tub for a bunch of kale, but this time it required three. Many leaves were longer than the foot long bins. I knew this was more than just a blessing of kale, it was God encouraging me about my future.

My life seemed to mimic the recent state of kale -- marred by lack and insufficiency. Areas that once flourished appeared to be struggling. As with the search for good kale, there had been a lot of hope, followed by disappointment.

I was reminded of the Israelites, and how after years of slavery, followed by living in the wilderness, they discovered the giant grapes, and abundance available in the Promised Land. [Numbers 13] The abundance was intended for them, but they had to believe it and receive it. That one good bunch of kale was waiting at the store for me, but I had to dig it out.

I believe the Word God gave me is not just for me, but for all who will receive it. It was a reminder that God is El Shaddai, the God of more than enough. With God, lack is always temporary, and His goal is to give us blessings that we don't even have room enough to contain. Regardless of what we see with our natural eyes, we must have faith that God has provision available.

After my kale recession I appreciated my good kale even more. How sad it would've been if I'd given up looking. What if I'd let the wilted kale in the front keep me from the good kale that was just behind it? It was a reminder that God is looking to bless those who are looking for His goodness. God's Beloved, I pray you won't give up on the God that will never give up on you.

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.
Malachi 3:10 NIV

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 New Living Translation

Please be blessed by this music video which glorifies God, who is El Shaddai, more than enough.

Lord You are the All-Sufficient One and I know You will supply my needs according to Your abundant riches. Although there may be times of humbling and testing, I know lack is not Your plan for me. Fill me with hope so I will persevere and receive everything You have for me. Give me wisdom to find those blessings which are hidden. Give me strength to fight for the blessings which are surrounded by giants. Let me never lose faith in Your desire to bless me. I know You love me, and want to give me blessings I cannot even contain. You will bless me, and I will be a blessing.


  1. Thank you Jesus! This message, is powerful, and appreciated. "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse....." resonated. Sending you and yours blessings. Godspeed

    1. Thank you Ruthie, you are such a great blessing to me!

  2. Dear A M, This is truly GOD speaking to you offering you courage not to give in to what appears to be your wishes failing! It is saying to you and to others that we must hold on to our faith and not be influenced by outer appearances. I do dearly LOVE this message and appreciate it so much. I am grateful to the Lord for giving you such marvelous gifts to share with the world. Be truly Blessed!

    1. Thank you "Anonymous". I think I recognize your writing style from other comments. You are very anointed and encouraging. Thank you so much. God bless you too.


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